Normal Head Shape

Head is 1/3 longer than it is wide
Ears are aligned
Back of the head is curved
Both sides of the head match
Eyes are the same size and are level on the face
Cheeks are the same size
Top of the head is level
Eyes and ears are level
Forehead is arched and level across
Plagiocephaly Head Shape

Head is flat on either the back right or left side
Head shape resembles a parallelogram
Ears are not aligned
One ear is closer to the shoulder than the other
One side of the head appears more curved than the other
One eye is smaller than the other
One cheek is fuller than the other
Head height is not level
Eyes are not level to one another
The mouth appears to be asymmetric
Forehead is sloped
Face is sloped and appears lopsided
Eyes and ears are not level
One cheek and side of the face are fuller than the other
Brachycephaly Head Shape

Head is wider than it is long
Back of head is flat rather than curved
Head is shortest in length from front to back
Head is tall in back
Sloping forehead
Back of head is flat
Face appears small relative to the size of the head
Head is wide
Widest part of the head is just above the ears
Tips of ears protrude
Head is wide
Widest part of the head is just above the ears
The forehead is flat, not rounded
Scaphocephaly Head ShapeTechnology

Head is long and narrow
Head is longest in length from front to back
Head is tall and narrow
Elongated forehead
Head is narrow
Forehead is square